am a social psychologist, though my research is informed as well
by the disciplines of industrial/organizational psychology and
organizational behavior. My research is concerned with the
behavior and performance of small interacting groups (usually 2
to 6 people) as they attempt to solve problems and make
decisions. Real world examples of such groups include
teams of physicians diagnosing patient illnesses, hiring
committees selecting job candidates, and flight crews solving
unexpected problems caused by poor weather or equipment
failures. The overarching goal of my work is to improve
our understanding of the factors that impact group
effectiveness, with a special emphasis on how groups handle
decision-relevant information and how their information-handling
capabilities affect the decisions they make. A link to my
curriculum vitae is provided at the bottom of this page.
Current Work
Currently, my efforts in this area are focused on developing
agent-based models (ABMs) that can account for various group
phenomena observed in empirical studies. An ABM is, most
simply, a computer program written to predict and explain some
aspect of behavior. In my case, the behavior is that of
small interacting groups. An ABM can be viewed as a formal
expression of theory that serves the same function as any
verbally expressed theory you might read about in a textbook or
research journal.
An ABM simulates one or more people (agents) that interact with
their environment and with each other using flexible behavioral
repertoires. Each agent is programmed with a set of
processes (e.g., for learning, remembering, communicating with
others) presumed to be important for generating the target
behavior, and each acts autonomously vis-à-vis its environment
and other agents according to its own preferences, goals, and
interaction strategies. Like any theory, an ABM is both a
simplification and an abstraction of reality. As such, the
generative processes programmed into it need not be represented
in every detail. However, those details that are
represented should be realistic, in the sense of being
consistent with the current state of knowledge in the field.
Once programmed, an ABM is “run” so that its implications for
the agents’ behavior—both individually and collectively—can be
observed. Those implications constitute the model’s
predictions about real human behavior. Expressing theory
formally in this manner has a number of advantages over verbal
expressions of theory, including greater specify in the
operation of causal mechanisms, substantially greater capacity
for handling complexity, more systematic derivation of
hypotheses, and the ability to quantify in advance the precision
of the predictions that are made.
the bottom of this page you will find links to two working ABM
examples. The first, DISM-GD, can be run directly from
your browser. The second, ValSeek(2.0), can also be run,
but is a desktop application that must first be downloaded to
your computer.
Student Research Experience
I no longer teach classroom-based courses on a regularly
basis. I do, however, continue to work individually with
one or two students a year on ABM projects. Students who
work with me learn to write computer code in an agent-based
modeling environment, and apply those skills to the theoretical
understanding of the phenomena being modeled. This work
can be done for 3 hours of PSYC 397 and/or PSYC 399 credit,
and/or can evolve into an honors thesis project.
who apply to work with me must have at least junior standing, a
GPA of 3.5 or better, a demonstrated interest in both Psychology
and in computer programming (the latter might be evidenced, for
example, by being a Computer Science minor, by having
significant coding experience in a common programming language,
or something similar), be willing to make at least a 2-semester
commitment, and be self-directed and able to work effectively
with only minimum technical supervision. Interested
students should contact me directly: jlarson4@luc.edu.
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